
January 15, 2018

In conversation with Michael Walters: Local food and agricultural land use

Albertans are increasingly aware of the importance of agricultural land in and around their urban areas. This land provides the food that Albertans enjoy at their grocery stores and local farmers markets. It connects Albertans to the province’s agricultural heritage and beautiful landscapes. And finally, it provides an incredible benefit to Alberta’s economy, both local and provincial. Where these…

November 30, 2017
Tags: Research

Measuring Conservation Offsets: Why it Matters

It is becoming increasingly common for land and resource developers to offer, or be required to provide, compensation for the disturbance which they cause to natural ecosystems. One form of that compensation is payment to an agency that will use the funds to provide later benefits to the ecosystem. These are often referred to as “in-lieu” payments of fees because the payment is made in lieu of…

November 22, 2017
The benefits of expandig Alberta's irrigation system and improved forecasting for irrigation needs

New Model for Predicting Water Demand and Expansion of Irrigation Report Highlights

EDMONTON, AB (November 22, 2017): A new report released by the Alberta Land Institute highlights the economic benefits of expanding Alberta’s irrigation system and improved forecasting of agricultural and irrigation needs. The report Systems modelling for sustainable land and water policy in Alberta's irrigation sector, was prepared by Dr. Evan Davies at the University of Alberta. The new systems…

September 6, 2017

Update from Alberta's Living Laboratory Project: Restoring wetlands through market based solutions

To create a sustainable future for Alberta’s economy and environment means implementing and discovering practical methods to better conserve and restore wetlands.  It’s the work a team of researchers from the University of Alberta’s Alberta Land Institute studied when they launched Alberta’s Living Laboratories Project in 2015 by identifying market based solutions that can be used to restore…

December 8, 2016

Leadership Transition: ALI Welcomes new Research Director

This December, the Alberta Land Institute is pleased to announce a senior leadership transition, with the arrival of its new Research Director, Dr. Eran Kaplinsky. Since its founding in 2012, ALI’s research agenda has been guided by Dr. Vic Adamowicz, an internationally-recognized resource economist, and professor in the University of Alberta’s Department of Resource Economics and Environmental…