
June 10, 2024

Funding Winners 2023/2024

The Alberta Land Institute's 2023/2024 Call for Proposals received many fantastic applications, 5 of which were selected for funding. Learn more about the funding winners and their projects below. Sven Anders Bio: Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Resource Economics & Environmental Sociology Sven is an agricultural economist with research and teaching interests in the…

June 7, 2024

How do we change landowner perspectives on wind energy?

The transition to renewable energy in Alberta is facing many hurdles. Within Canada, Alberta has the highest greenhouse gas emissions and is lagging behind the rest of the country with a net-zero grid goal of 2050, 15 years later than the rest of the country.  The delayed goal and renewable development hurdles are due to government actions, but the adaptation of renewable energy also depends on the…

May 28, 2024

ALI at Future Energy Systems Science Rendezvous

On May 11, the Alberta Land Institute had the pleasure of participating in Future Energy Systems Science Rendezvous at the Telus World of Science in Edmonton. The event saw 1750 guests throughout the day! The ALI team created a couple different activities to teach attendees about the benefits of Urban Trees. For the first activity, kids were invited to build their vision of a sustainable city using…

May 17, 2024

New Podcast Episode: Political polarization of perspectives on wind power with John Parkins

With a 2050 net-zero goal on the horizon, Alberta is going to have to turn to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. But how do landowners feel about the development of wind power? Are these perspectives connected to political affiliation? FOR MORE INFORMATION CHECK OUT THESE RESOURCES: Unraveling the link between political polarization and wind energy perspectives: Insights from a…

April 29, 2024

Short and long term solutions for Alberta’s water crisis

Despite recent snowfall in parts of the province, Alberta remains at risk of facing drought this spring and summer. The province operates under a water licencing system that complicates water allocation in times of scarcity. Water licenses allow licence holders to use ground or surface water. The first in time first in right system means older licenses have first dibs. The holder may be a business,…